$12.00Add to cartMedium: Leaves are 17 x 12″ Leaves have a nice blue center with creamy white margins, excellent substance.
Lakeside Pebbles
$18.00Add to cartSmall: 12″ high x 38″ wide mound of heavily corrugated, shiny, dark green foliage. Leaf size is 10″ long x 7″ wide (15vp)
Lettuce Salad
$15.00Add to cartMedium: 21″high x 46″wide mound that changes from chartreuse to bright green during the growing season, moderately corrugated and unruly.
Love Pat
$13.00Add to cartMedium: 19″ high by 50″ wide mound, leaves are 9 1/4″ long by 9″ wide intense blue-green and heavily corrugated, cupped leaves with heavy substance. Near white flowers in June/July.
Lunar Orbit
$15.00Add to cartMedium: 15″ high x 38″ wide mound, gold leaves with dark green margins, vigorous grower.
$18.00Add to cartLarge: 28″ high x 54″ wide, intense blue-green leaves with thick substance, slightly rippled margin.
$20.00Add to cartLarge: 20″ x 48″ wide mound; leave has a gold center with a medium green margin 11″ long by 9″ wide, wavy, corrugated, good substance.
Mood Indigo
$20.00Add to cartMedium: 21″ high by 48″ wide mound, leaves are 9″ long by 9″ wide, rich blue-green, heavily corrugated, unruly, thick substance.
$18.00Add to cartLarge: 22″ high by 48″ wide mound, gold leaves with dark green margins. 2007 Hosta of the Year. It is the margined form of H.’Abiqua Recluse’. Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens, Inc.
Paul’s Glory
$20.00Add to cartLarge: Corrugated, heart shaped leaves with dark green margin. Leaf center changes from chartreuse in sprint to parchment white by mid summer. Hosta of the Year 1999. Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens, Inc.
Powder Blue
$16.00Add to cartLarge: 29″ x 64″ mound of heavily corrugated, blue green leaves that are 14″ x 11″ with thick substance.
Prairie Sky
$16.00Add to cartMedium: 14″ high foliage, nicely cupped powder blue leaves topped with pale lavender flowers. Makes a tight clump. Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens, Inc.